Decisive Win Against Tories as the Liberal Democrat Vote Surges in Paignton
Well Done South West Liberal Democrats!.
Well Done South West Liberal Democrats!.
Nine Lives lives. National Grid is working at the Wharf Lane former gas works site. The cut through between Salters Close and Wharf Lane is cordoned off but 9 Lives Furniture is open for business as usual. ………………………………………………………. Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) has had no contact from Lidl since the planning application to build a store on the old police station site was refused last year. Lidl has now told us they remain committed to opening a store on this site, and are trying to achieve the relocation of the Fire Station so the two sites can be brought together to provide enough space to accommodate a store and some residential development. Planning permission would still be required. …………………………………………………………………….. In spite of TRDC's efforts to get HCC to put clear notices up, in plenty of time, giving the necessary information about the closure of Station Rd, the County Council arrangements were not good enough. TRDC stressed the importance of this to HCC before the closure but i
We should always drive carefully, but we should take especially care not to frighten horses. Apart from causing injury to itself a frightened, bolting horse could easily throw or otherwise injure a rider - or any nearby pedestrian.
Chiltern Railways officially opened Oxford Parkway station yesterday (October 26) as the first phase of the £320 million project to run trains between London Marylebone and Oxford.
There is understandable impatience to the late introduction of broadband to the rural parts of the UK. Two months ago local Liberal Democrat county councillor, Nick Hollinghurst, was at a meeting when Microsoft's UK Director of Media & Communication referred to the "Great British Broadband Problem". However a massive extension programme costing nearly £2 billion and with funding shared between the government, the EU, industry and local authorities continues to make progress in providing connections free of charge to the householder.
The replacement of those concrete block paviors in the centre of New Mill Roundabout has been a great success.
This year, as we hope everybody knows by now, is the 700th Anniversary of the granting of Tring's Market Charter by Edward II, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Scotland and Duke of Aquitaine.
And yet more! After a very long wait we're getting there.
There was sad news on Facebook this morning.
By now, I think, most of us have got used to the idea that "global warming" doesn't necessarily mean "better weather for Brits" - and "Climate Change" is a better expression to use.
Now successful and well-established, Kiwi Chick markets homemade truffles (Classic, Fondent or Velvet), chocolate of all styles and flavours and that old favourite, the Chocolate Browny. And all of the highest quality!
Tring should slowly be getting a safer place as steps are taken to improve visibility round junctions - and there are quite a few of those onto Miswell Lane.