By Election Boosts to Liberal Democrat Council Representation - across the Country
Last night saw 5 strong results - 4 of them Gains - for the Liberal Democrats in a scattering of local council by elections. Congratulations to our colleagues.
Last night saw 5 strong results - 4 of them Gains - for the Liberal Democrats in a scattering of local council by elections. Congratulations to our colleagues.
What a shambles! The quitters have quit. The splitters have split! The wreckers have resigned. Boris, Farage, IDS, Fox, Gove, Leadsom - resigned, withdrawn, unsupported. Not one of the Leavers has the wit or courage or competence even to carry out out Brexit - let alone lead tough negotiations with the EU or with the rest of the world. The Referendum was hardly decisive - 37% of the electorate should not be allowed to bring ruin on the whole country. 63% did not vote to Leave - either not voting at all or being part of the 16 million who actively voted to Remain. A 51.9% vote wouldn't even let you change the constitution of a golf club - let alone threaten a continent, divide the UK and betray the hopes and aspirations of our youth! Was it all a joke? A public schoolboy jape? An exercise in egotism? There is now nobody of any experience, standing or ability who can implement Brexit - or even wants to do it all. It is now clear that the Referendum does not command enough support to be a
The following statement has been issued by the presidents of the EU Parliament, the EU Council and the EU Commission "In a free and democratic process, the British people have expressed their wish to leave the European Union. We regret this decision but respect it. This is an unprecedented situation but we are united in our response. We will stand strong and uphold the EU's core values of promoting peace and the well-being of its peoples. The Union of 27 Member States will continue. The Union is the framework of our common political future. We are bound together by history, geography and common interests and will develop our cooperation on this basis. Together we will address our common challenge to generate growth, increase prosperity and ensure a safe and secure environment for our citizens. The institutions will play their full role in this endeavour. We now expect the UK government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may be
We were so sad to hear of the sudden death of Sylvia Saul. She and Geoff have been stalwart figures in our community for many, many years. Sylvia will be remembered for her cheerful hard work for the Red Cross, for Meresworth, working in the library at Shepherds School and many other local organisations and events. We understand there is to be a special service at St Peters in the morning of June 14th
West Hyde Victory. A group of us from West Hyde and Maple Cross have just returned from County Hall. We went to speak out against the Pynesfield gravel extraction planning application and to try and persuade HCC to refuse it .We spoke out against the destruction of the green belt, the environmental damage, flooding and increase in HGVs. We succeeded - only one member of the HCC voted in favour. Hurrah!………………………………………………….. The Annual Rickmansworth Festival end was fantastic. Congratulations and thanks to all those involved. It was splendid to see so many people/ families enjoying themselves. Well Done!
A recent post on the #Hemel INTogether and Hemel Lib Dems facebook page has hit a new milestone by reaching about 2,000 people in less than a week. Even the leader of the Lib Dems, Tim Farron has noticed and liked the post.
There were six local authority by elections on Thursday 2nd June, 2016. One was for a county council division in Dorset, which was won by the Liberal Democrats who took the seat from the Conservatives. The result is shown below Dorset CC, Sherborne Rural- 2nd June 2016 Lib Dem Matthew Hall 1287 [49.6%; +15.1%]
Most all-electric cars (EVs) charge up from the grid, but as the grid gets greener the cars get cleaner.
TfL did not finish the work on the Station Road Bridge on the scheduled dates and are planning a further period of night closures of Station Road from 22-29th May. ……………………………………………………. Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) has teamed up with Wimbletech CIC to create a work hub in Rickmansworth. Operating from vacant space in Basing House, the Hub will create a vibrant home for entrepreneurs, home workers and small businesses in the area. It will offer flexible working space, with fixed and 'hot' desks and meeting rooms available. Training events for the local community will form a key feature of this hub which will promote technology and innovation. The hub is due to open on 1st June. For further details call 020 3290 0225, Email or visit ……………………………………………………………… TRDC has carried out another successful fly-tipping prosecution. It was an illegal deposit of a large heap of household waste including boxes, packaging and furniture in Chalfont Lane. The of
At last the plans for the Reach Free School are being made available to the community. There was a public exhibition of proposals on Thursday 19th May, 3.00 - 7.00pm, and Saturday 21st May, 11.00am - 3.00pm, both were at Mill End Community Centre, Church Lane. No planning application has yet been submitted.
Somewhat belated congratulations to local resident and Liberal Democrat, Sharon Bowles, who was proposed as a member of the House of Lords in the Dissolution Honours List last year.
Getting exercise and keeping fit is an excellent way to maintain good health - and the photographs show a group of local residents doing just that.