HH LibDem Motion at DBC voted down by "Bored" Tories
This is so disappointing.
This is so disappointing.
At the County Council meeting on 27 November, Sopwell Residents Association (St Albans) brought a petition signed by more than 1,000 residents, against the closure of the right of way across Cottonmill Railway Crossing.
With everything that's going on at the moment - the Three Rivers Rural County Council By Election, Brexits, marches and regular campaigning, the Tring, Berkhamsted & Northchurch Branch Liberal Democrats decided to hold their AGM relatively early this year.
Dacorum Borough Council is installing recycling facilities to flats that had previously had none at all, after Lib Dem Councillors repeatedly raised the issue of recycling in the Borough.
September's Liberal Democrat conference in Brighton was a great success.
The Three Rivers Rural Division resulted from boundary changes and an additional county division that was added in 2017 in response to Hertfordshire's growing population. In the 2017 county council elections, which were overshadowed by Theresa May's snap election call, the Conservative who held the former Chorleywood Division won the new division but with a majority of only 153 votes.
Construction work began on the confusingly named "Luton DART" this May. "DART" stands for Direct Air-Rail Transit but also refers to the Dublin Area Rapid Transit rail route from Bray to Malahide and Howth through Dublin - a line that is well familiar to Luton's 20,000 Irish residents (over 6% of the population).
In October Councillors were told that some disabled people have been waiting as long as five years for a disabled adapted council house. This is despite Dacorum Council having a written objective to 'Provide good quality affordable homes, in particular for those in the greatest need.'
Cabinet is set to withdraw proposals to move the Jarman Athletics track to Cupid Green fields, after a consultation report showing deep and reasoned objections was championed by LibDem Councillors Adrian England and Lara Pringle, at wednesday's "Oversight & Scrutiny Committee" meeting, at The Forum.
Observant passengers into Euston will already have noticed the demolition of a couple of sheds and depot on the west side of the station. Now it has been announced that Platforms 17 and 18 will be taken out of use after the May 2019 timetable changes.
Despite the present minority Conservative Government and its harsh austerity programme, there is still a trickle of infrastructure improvements reaching completion. However, these were originally commissioned under the Coalition Government by Liberal Democrat Transport and Environment Ministers. One of particular interest to the East of England is the construction of a new junction, which will pass under the East Coast Main Line (ECML) at Werrington, just north of Peterborough. Work has just started and it should be completed by 2021.