Record Numbers Off to University
A record number of students have been accepted into university this year, with over half a million expected to take up places despite results being slightly lower.
There has been more flexibility introduced, so universities can recruit more students, making it possible for more young people to access the institution of their choice.
Applications rates for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds has also risen to a record high. Thanks to the safeguards put in place by the Lib Dems, the gap is narrowing between the most advantaged and the most disadvantaged university students.
The Liberal Democrats recognise that we couldn't deliver our policy on tuition fees. The truth is that both Labour and the Conservatives supported higher fees, so we were unable to carry out our promise without backing from the two parties.
Although that's no excuse, we have worked to make sure the system is as fair as possible in order to protect lower earning graduates. No student pays up front and they only pay back once they're earning over £21,000.
Liberal Democrats have also increased the number of apprenticeships available, so that there are more options open to students. There are now 1.8 million apprentices, the biggest expansion since 1950s.
"Now we want to go even further and lift the amount of money people can earn before paying income tax to £12,500. This will take hundreds of thousands more low earners out of tax altogether and give millions of working people a further tax cut of £400.
"This move will also give a tax cut to over 6 million pensioners. When we've reached £12,500 we will seek to raise the level that people start paying employee National Insurance.
"The Liberal Democrats are the only party in British politics with a long-term commitment to cutting taxes for the working people of Britain. We've delivered the largest programme of tax cuts for a generation over the last four years, despite all of the other financial pressures.
"These manifesto commitments will mean nothing less than a generational shift to a fairer tax system that rewards work and helps working people. That's the way to build a stronger economy and a fairer society and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to get on in life."