Planned Road Repairs in Tring and Surrounding Areas
The Herts County Council Integrated Works Plan is showing the following sites for highway repair work during the current financial year i.e. 2018/19 (year just started).
1. Slip Road off A41 up to the Upper Icknield Way - south of the roundabout.
Replacement of failed anti-skid surface with local resurfacing.
2. Little Tring Road - from Pumping Station Track to B489 Lower Icknield Way.
Surface Dressing.
3. Little Tring Road - from Pumping Station Track to B488 Upper Icknield Way.
Surface Dressing.
4. Chapel Lane, Long Marston - whole length.
Surface Dressing
5. Cow Lane - from A4251 to Station Road
Investigations into recycling and relaying surface.
6. Hemp Lane, Wigginton - from A4251 to Hunters Quay.
7. Toms Hill, Aldbury - from no. 3 by Toms Hill Close to the crossing track.
Local Resurfacing
8. Upper Icknield Way at Bulbourne - from derestriction signs to a point 134 m from Northfield Road.
The first item on the list is badly needed!
Work has now strated in Little Tring Road.