Local resident chosen for Adeyfield by-election
Following the death of Dacorum Councillor Sharon Adshead a by-election has been called for Thursday 29th September for a Dacorum Councillor to work alongside Cllr Ron Tindall (Lib Dem) on the Council.
Cllr Ron Tindall said "In this contest I will be supporting local resident Adrian England who lives in Windmill Road. I think he would be an excellent councillor for the area and I will support him in his efforts to become my ward colleague."
Adrian England first moved to Adeyfield 20 years ago and has lived in or near Adeyfield ever since. He knows the area well and is the only candidate standing who lives within the ward.
Adrian said "I thank Ron for his support, I want to work alongside him to help local residents, I am particularly interested in solving issues of problem parking."
In the last Borough Council elections, the ward elected one Conservative and Ron Tindall (Lib Dem). Labour came 4th and UKIP 5th. This by-election will elect someone to replace the Conservative. The last three local elections here have elected Liberal Democrat or Conservative councillors, the Lib Dems are the best placed to beat the Conservatives here.