Lib Dems welcome Cabinet decision to defer Plan Publication and will maintain pressure to re-run Public Consultation
Following the recent committee meeting in which Lib Dems pushed for a delay of Reg 19, DBC Cabinet has voted to defer Regulation 19*. Cllr Sheron Wilkie (Lib Dem, Tring Central) welcomed the decision, saying: "The indications are that a substantive amount of work is going to take place now, and it may take another two years to complete a report. In contrast to what we have been hearing up until now, there seems at last to be some recognition among the Conservatives that another Regulation 18** consultation is likely to be needed, which the Lib Dems have been pushing for."
* Regulation 19 is the publication stage of a new local plan, and is submitted (as are any comments) to the Planning Inspectorate. Any public comments can only be with respect to 'Tests of Soundness' and legal compliance. After this stage, the draft plan goes directly to the Secretary of State.
** Regulation 18 is a public consultation on the plan in all its details. It is the only opportunity residents have to comment on the plan that will direct development in the region for the next 15 years.