Hertfordshire Highways - new Contractors to Replace Amey Lafarge and Mouchel Parkman
Monday 1 October marks the end of the existing Hertfordshire Highways arrangements and the start of the Hertfordshire County Council's new highways service contracts.
In place of Amey Lafarge, HCC has chosen Ringway Infrastructure Services Ltd as their new main contractor. Ringway are now responsible for the delivery of routine, planned, cyclical and reactive maintenance and improvement work
Ringway may be awarded other work - including road, pavement and drainage programmes and transport and safety schemes - depending on their performance.
Opus Arup have come in to replace Mouchel Parkman to become the county's new professional support contractor. Opus Arup will provide most of the consultancy and design capability.
The County Council has also developed a network of additional contractors who can bid for maintenance and improvement work, so the volume of work Ringway carries out will depend on how well they perform. This continuous competitive pressure should ensure that the people of Hertfordshire get a better deal out of this new contract. It has been designed so that Hertfordshire Highways deliver an improved service across the county for less money.
With over 3,000 miles of roads and pavements, 1,700 bridges, 100,000 street lights, 154,000 drains and 118,000 signs, highways work in Hertfordshire is no easy task. So let's hope the new arrangements do in fact bring about higher standards across our highway network.
The road roller in the photo has, of course, nothing to do with any of the companies mentioned. It was spotted in Cow Lane, Tring this morning on its way to a steam fair and seemed to make an interesting picture.