Greg Duffield, Liberal Democrat Candidate in the Berkhamsted Town Council By-Elections Came within 20 Votes of a Win
Greg Duffield, who did best out of the three Berkhamsted Liberal Democrat candidates in the recent local bout of local elections, has shown just how close the party is to taking back control of Berkhamsted Town Council.
Greg has lived in Berkhamsted for over 20 years - both his children have been through the local school system - and his wife, Shellie has taught in Berkhamsted schools for 15 years. Greg is a keen environmentalist, appreciates and enjoys the world around us and stood because he wished to work for the good of the town, its surroundings and its people.
In his first foray into town council politics Greg came within 20 votes of winning the vacant seat in the Town Council Ward of Berkhamsted West. Conservative complacency has been well and truly shaken up in Berkhamsted where they now can see that they are losing their grip on public affairs in the town.
This result, coming as it does at the same time as two other near-defeats for the Tories - in the county council election and the Dacorum Borough Council by-election on the same day - shows that things are changing in Berkhamsted.
For far too long the Conservatives have dominated Berkhamsted and taken the electors for granted and for far too long Conservative attitudes, policies and decisions have run roughshod over what is actually a very diverse and lively town.
Six of the Berkhamsted Conservative Town Councillors also hold all six of Berkhamsted's DBC seats and a seventh is the town's county councillor.
From town to borough, from borough to county and from county to Westminister, Tory views only prevail thanks to the UK's antiquated First-Past-the-Post voting system, which in no way represents the spread of views and opinions within the town.
The Liberal Democrats are determined to redress the balance and to give people back control over the way their communities are governed.