DBC Motions on fireworks, proper scrutiny and your planning voice
DBC Motions on fireworks, proper scrutiny and your planning voice
Its fireworks season - fun for many, frightening for pets - where's the middle ground?
At the DBC Full Council in October, Berkhamsted Lib Dem Councillor Rick Freedman proposed a Motion, an RSPCA request of councils up and down the country to encourage residents to select quieter fireworks when enjoying celebrations of various cultural events.
The text of the motion made it clear that there was no obligation in regards to restrictions or enforcement; instead it's about education, encouragement and leadership.
Sadly, the conservatives at DBC branded this is a political grandstanding motion (despite it being passed in other conservative controlled councils last year) and voted along party lines to deny it.
Other debates prompted by Lib Dems have asked The Forum to do more to open-up scrutiny and defend local democracy in planning matters.
We keep asking for these to be available publicly on YouTube, but it was only invented in 2005.