A Warm Reception when Leafletting in Friendly Chesham & Amersham. Looking Good for Sarah Green and the Lib Dems!
Happy smiles from Lib Dem activists on Saturday working for candidate Sarah Green, who is standing in the Chesham & Amersham Parliamentary By-Election, where voters go to the polls in 17th June.
Shown here Rosemarie and Nick Hollinghurst from Wigginton in Hertfordshire were back at the Lib Dem HQ after a warm day's leaflet delivery in the hilly Chilterns town of Chesham.
Rosemarie and Nick had been helping with leaflets in the aptly named Hilltop area. "Talk about 'sunny uplands'", said Nick afterwards. "Hilltop is certainly positioned to catch the sun - something that is shown by the lovely gardens and the extensive, productive allotments along the slopes of the valley sides!"
But Rosemarie and Nick were even more impressed by the warmth of the welcome they received from the several people they met in the street or outside their homes as they went around. "Everyone was really friendly and welcoming, with waves and smiles and warm words," said Rosemarie. "The local people seem really to appreciate the Lib Dem campaigning effort and are looking forward to a change in their representation."
The couple are now hoping for a run of fine weather so that they can return to help make sure that change really happens for the local people who strongly feel they have been taken for granted by the Conservatives for far too long.